Imagine a quiet place of safety... A place to explore your inner Self and re- gain your full & natural state of Wellness... A place where it is OK to just Be Yourself and be accepted... To realize you are OK on all levels...
Imagine your place of peace - filled with animals, naturally grown food, walking trails, spring water to enjoy, a labryinth to walk and balance Self, crystals to play with and hold, music to help you heal and to just enjoy, a library to lose yourself within, flowers and hummingbirds, sunsets-sunrises- clear blue skies, trees to hug.
This is for YOU... Your place of Peace... A place to Gather Together in Love, Friendship, and Light... Can You see Yourself there? Come - BE within the Sacred Power Gridwork of Colorado and its Great Ascenson Valley area.
Come... help us to bring this Dream into Reality for You.... We are all Family. The Dream is described below
... Join Us & Lets Make a Dream Come True... Now.
Welcome to our home on-line. The Gathering Place - A Center For Wellness is a spiritually oriented, wholistic, nonprofit and USA tax-exempt 501.c.3 organization dedicated to bringing you information for personal growth and development as well as the happenings on our Mother Earth. We specialize in education and research in the wholistic health fields on the body-mind-spirit Wellness Continuum. We bring you tools and ideas to facilitate your moving into and living in the Fifth Dimension...we are already there! Learn tools and techniques to help you "Create Your Own Reality" the way you want to manifest your Life.
Our physical home is East of Salida, located in the beautiful Pleasant Valley in Colorado, USA. We enjoy the wonderful energy of the 14,000 foot peaks of the Continental Divide and the beloved energy of the Sangre de Cristos mountains. Many natural hot springs are available in this area - they were sacred spots for healing to our Native Americans of days gone past. We sponsor workshops, seminars, and Fairs at these hot springs,, as well as at our own Center, during the year. We are also close to Crestone, a spiritual area hosting as many as 13 different Ashrams and Centers for Spiritual studies.
The Center at our new location is a "work-in-progress". It is the home of our Reference Library. - we are drawing up the plans for the new building and are seeking grants and donations to make the physical library a reality. All donations to this library project are greatly appreciated. - and these are fully tax deductible. We offer wholistic therapy, education, seminars, workshops, personal readings, meditations, and sponsor special musical events. We have the original Gathering Place Magazine & Resource Guide, Light Gatherings, up on the web (as you know if you are reading this) and offer a Newsletter, Planet ONE Network, for additional information.
We are organized as a nonprofit (501.c.3) fully tax-deductable, private wholistic/spiritual group. We are supported by those of you who enjoy our services. If you enjoy these web pages, please consider assisting us in bringing them to you by sending in a donation. All of our staff is volunteer.
We Are Here to Serve You - Helping You Achieve Your State of Wellness
* Please Support This Dream with Your Financial Support *
If you have information for these pages, please send to us at the following address;
Donation Guidelines: Please send all donations in support of our work to our mailing address:
The Gathering Place...A Center For Wellness, 9996 Hwy 50, #1180, Salida, CO 81201. Contribution can also be by credit card through PayPal...all monies are tax-deductible.
Thank You Very Much For Your Support and Loving Prayers
Please send your Prayer Requests to The Center and have you, your loved ones, your pets, and situations included in the Center's Healing & Prayer Basket.:
Requests for The Center's Healing & Prayer Basket. Send name of person/situation and/or a photocopy-jpeg of a picture. Can include the challenge being faced but this is not necessary. Place the request into an envelope and seal it with the date on the outside. Place into an outer envelope with your love donation and send it to our mailing address.
Please send energy of Divine Love and Healing to this Basket each day in any way that you do energy work...Thank You.
Mailing Address: 9996 W Hwy 50, #1180, Salida, CO 81201
Prayer & Meditation:
WE ARE ONE ... See our beloved Mother Earth ... Invoke a beautiful,vibrant, pink / white Light ...
See this Light enfolding Mother Earth in a snuggly warm blanket of Love - Peace - Joy - Healing - Universal Acceptance & Enfolding For All-Our-Relations
We all have our Life within Our Creator / Divine Mother / Father / Christ / God
Nothing that IS...IS apart from the Divine
Feel NOW that Love and wonderful pink Light BEING YOU